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Top 5 poorest country in the world.

Here are the top five poorest countries in the world:

1.Burundi: Burundi is located in East Africa and has a population of approximately 12 million people. It is considered the poorest country in the world with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of only $261. The country is also known for its political instability, poor infrastructure, and inadequate healthcare system.

If you want to know details about Burundi, please visit on this site: https://www.top5tec.com/poorest-country-on-the-earth/

2.South Sudan: South Sudan is a country in East Africa with a population of approximately 12 million people. It is the world’s youngest country, having gained independence from Sudan in 2011. South Sudan is considered the second poorest country in the world, with a GDP per capita of $303. The country has been plagued by civil war, which has resulted in the displacement of millions of people and severe economic hardship.

3.Niger: Niger is located in West Africa and has a population of approximately 23 million people. It is considered the third poorest country in the world, with a GDP per capita of $367. The country is plagued by frequent droughts, poor infrastructure, and a lack of access to education and healthcare.

4.Malawi: Malawi is located in Southern Africa and has a population of approximately 19 million people. It is considered the fourth poorest country in the world, with a GDP per capita of $376. The country is plagued by high levels of poverty, limited access to healthcare and education, and frequent food shortages.

5.Mozambique: Mozambique is located in Southern Africa and has a population of approximately 31 million people. It is considered the fifth poorest country in the world, with a GDP per capita of $431. The country has suffered from civil war, political instability, and natural disasters, which have resulted in widespread poverty and limited access to essential services.

In conclusion, poverty remains a significant challenge facing many countries worldwide. While numerous efforts have been made to eradicate poverty, it remains a widespread problem in many parts of the world. The countries mentioned above require significant assistance to address poverty and improve the living conditions of their citizens.

You can also visit on this site Feed Africa Foundation: https://feedafricafoundation.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAi8KfBhCuARIsADp-A56_xyIEbJJ-9s_cgDN0CNZ2-cD4b04gcjCrWuLTX2aqeTe5d4KD0esaAt8AEALw_wcB

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